Rudolf Brojs from Austria is an amazing man who has dedicated his entire life to finding a cure for cancer and nature has finally given him an answer. He discovered the best natural remedy for cancer which has helped over 45,000 people.
His special designed juice has proven extremely effective in the treatment of cancer and has cured more than 45, 000 people who suffered from cancer and other incurable diseases. According to Brojs, cancer can survive only if you feed it proteins, but if your body eliminates them you can be cured. He invented a special eating regimen which lasts for 42 days, during which he advises drinking just herbal teas and his special vegetable juice. The juice’s main ingredient is beetroot, but it contains plenty of other healthy ingredients. He guarantees that in 42 days the cancer cells will starve to death while your health will be significantly improved.
For the treatment to be effective you need to use organic vegetables.
- Beetroot (55%),
- Carrots (20%),
- Celery root (20%),
- Potatoes (3%)
- Radishes (2%)
Put everything in a blender and blend until it’s evenly combined. Your juice is ready for consumption and the healing can begin! Make sure you don’t go overboard with the juice, drink as much as your body needs.
Beetroot is rich in antioxidants, C, B1, B2, B6 vitamins, folic and pantothenic acid, and the minerals – potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron, and zinc. Even the doctors recommend it and consider it to be one of the healthiest vegetables on the market. Its unusually strong, red color is due to the magenta pigments known as betacyanins. There have been a lot of studies into the healng properties of beetroot and they’ve all reached the same conclusion – that it’s effective in the treatment of leukemia and cancer.
Beetroot is abundant in betaine, which is an amino acid with powerful anticancer properties. Plus, it’s a strong anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and detoxification agent. Studies confirm that betaine destroys cells in the tumor tissue. It’s beneficial in the treatment of various types of cancer so you can consume it freely. Its high content of folic acid makes it very beneficial for pregnant women as well. It boost the function of the liver and gall bladder, preventing constipation. It helps with headaches, toothaches, dysentery, bone problems, skin issues and menstrual pains. Its health benefits are beyond words, which is why you should start consuming it right away.