We give you all the answers you have about the female orgasm How does an orgasm work?Orgasm is the culminating moment of sexual pleasure. Although it has obvious physical effects (skin turns red, breathing quickens, face deforms under the effect of contortions…) its characteristic pleasurable effect is produced through the limbic systemwhich releases several neurotransmitters […]
Three sexual positions for fertility: discover how they will help you
If you want to have a child, these three postures will help you achieve it. The best sexual positions for fertility are intended to bring the sperm as close as possible to the woman’s cervix. And in this sense, there are some that promote the fertilization of the egg, according to the portal elembarazo.es.We present […]
Your portion of proteins and vitamins with rice with a Mediterranean aroma
Prepare a rice with a Mediterranean flavor and surprise your guests The mussels have proteins of high biological value and are rich in minerals (potassium, phosphorus and calcium) and vitamins, including B12, necessary for the absorption of iron, defend against stress, avoid memory problems and prevent osteoporosis.Ingredients (for 2 people):• 150 g brown rice• 350 […]
when what you think affects your body
Ideas that get old: a story to ponder ideas that get old: Eight elderly people got off the bus. They used to always be covered by their relatives, but not this time. They had to carry the heavy suitcases to the rooms of that secluded house in the middle of the field. When they entered, […]
Exercising as a child helps prevent diseases of greater age
Gymnastics for children will help your little one to have good health The measures promoted by the health authorities have proven to be “incapable of controlling childhood obesity”, for which reason “an intervention in the educational aspect is recommended from different fields of medicine, to introduce more active physical education classesso that the students are […]