How big the healing power of comfrey is, is best shown in one folk saying. Two healthy fingers would grow in each other, if they were tied with the straps of comfrey roots.
Comfrey. This ugly, black on the outside, but inside whitish or yellow root helps with EVERYTHING!
Fractures (even festering) bones, with growths on the bones, hands and feet, varicose veins, veins that are open, neck pain, amputation of limbs and even with the thinning of bone tissue, pain in the arms and legs after fractures and removal of gypsum, pain in the lower part of the spine and vertebrae damage, pain in the shoulders, elbows and knees, problems due to osteoporosis, a variety of projections and other growths, numbness of the legs of the soles of the feet to the hip, hemorrhoids, rheumatic thickening of the muscle, gouts, arthritis, circulatory disorders .
All types of injuries, bites, bruises, wounds, blood clotting, can be treated with the TINCTURE made from comfrey root.
Comfrey contains the hormone auxin which easily creates new tissue so the wounds can heal quickly and allantoin as a main active ingredient of the root and the granulation enhances tissue regeneration. Comfrey is irreplaceable in inflammation of tendons, arthritis (joint inflammation), distortion (dislocation, sprain), contusion (charge, contusion), hematoma (bruising), thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the veins) and other.
Comfrey tincture occupies a place of honor in cosmetics for the face and hands. One of the properties of this tincture is that renews and regenerates loose and wrinkled skin (especially wrinkles around the eyes).
After long use of the tincture on the skin of the face and hands, they get completely regenerated.
There is no better remedy than the comfrey tincture for external use against gout, which should be lightly rubbed in severe gout.
Tincture of comfrey perfectly demonstrates in the treatment of neuro inflammatory – wherever you feel a painful pressure on the body, it is reflected on the peripheral nerves.
“Tincture of comfrey hides an amazing strength. Patients, who are treated unsuccessfully for years by all possible means for diseased of the joints and rheumatism, must try the comfrey tincture which will help them quickly, “says Maria Treben in the book “Plants of God’s pharmacy”.
The recipe for the comfrey tincture of comfrey:
Put 100 grams of comfrey root in 700 ml of strong brandy or alcohol into the bottle and lay horizontally that ‘it must be aged’ in a dark place for 14 days.
Shake it every third day.
After 14 days, strain and keep it in a dark glass bottle in a cool place.
Lubricate the affected area with this tincture, three times a day.
Homeopaths claim that there is no person that has not felt the benefits of the tincture.
* Pure alcohol instead of brandy leaves the tincture odorless. Comfrey with brandy has a very unpleasant smell. This tincture is very sticky.
Helen R says
Can I make a tincture in the same way just using fresh comfrey leaves?
100 grams comfrey leaves with 700 grams vodka? Or can I fill a jar with comfrey leaves and then pour vodka until I cover it?
Thank you.
Stephanie R says
Hi Helen,
I have four pint size jars I filled with fresh comfrey leaves and covered them with 80% proof vodka, it’s been six weeks and for the life of me I cannot find the recipe I used. I know you can, and I remember it said to store the comfrey tincture in dark glass bottles in a cool space. But I am curious to see if anyone comments, I want to be sure I am doing this correctly.
Good luck!
Bonnie Spiker says
Im making a tincture with leaves also
I dont have enough comfrey to dig up any portion of the root yet so leaves is it for me.