A great way to deal with shoulder pain and stiff back and neck is the professional massage. But you cannot afford always to being massaged by a professional.
Physiotherapist from Los Angeles, Nadia Perez, recommends the three following simple techniques for self – massaging. These techniques are simple to practice and can help in such situations.
- 1. Stretching the Neck and Chest
Improper sleeping, continuous usage of computers and mobile phones are forcing us to tilt our neck forward which leads to pain and stiffness in the body. Therefore occasionally we need to stretch the back and neck.
Lift your head slowly while standing with your hands placed behind your back, in order to stretch your whole neck and body. Remember, while doing this technique you must not relax your stomach. Hold the spine in a neutral position. Remain in this position from 20 – 30 seconds.
- 2. Self – Massaging Your Neck
This technique is especially recommended in situations where you cannot turn your head to the side and you have severe pain in the neck. All you need is a harder sponge and a tennis ball or a yoga cube.
Take the the ball in one hand and the yoga cube in the other. While facing it, stand one foot away from the wall, and throw your left leg back. Hold the cube against the wall, before your right shoulder and place the ball right between the cube and your neck’s curve. Slowly press your body against the wall. Then switch sides and repeat the exercise on the other side of the neck.
- 3. Self – Massaging the Upper Part of Your Back
Back pain is often associated with pain in the neck. So it is recommended to massage your back, when we are massaging the neck, whether you feel pain in it or not. Stand against the wall with your back facing the wall.
Place the tennis ball between the spine and the top of the right shoulder and tilt slowly your body to the wall. In order to massage the internal muscles as well, make a circular motion with your hand.
Source: www.healthyfoodhouse.com