Although many useful and natural recipes are found in the grandma’s recipe book, many of them are not quite tasty so we don’t want to use them.
Teeth naturally become yellow as we grow older, and over the years we have harmful habits that damage our teeth. Smoking, alcohol, coffee … All these habits change the color of our teeth. Even mineral water, tea and berries contain chromogenic agents that leave stains on the teeth.
Although many useful and natural recipes are found in the grandma’s recipe book, many of them are not quite tasty so we don’t want to use them. None until we found this one – with lemon and orange peel.
Wash the orange and lemon to remove the pesticides from them if they are not organic. How? In a bowl with water and baking soda leave the lemon and orange peel overnight.
For white teeth and healthy gums every morning and every evening rub your teeth and gums with the peel. Wait for three minutes and then wash your teeth. The results will be clearly visible after several weeks.