Many people, especially students buy instant noodles for lunch or dinner as they do not have enough time to prepare their meals or because the noodles are cheap. Although we know that they are not a healthy choice, many think that they are healthier than burger, fast- food burrito or fries.
That is why the scientists have put a small camera inside the stomach of a person who has just consumed instant ramen noodles. In this way they were able to observe the process of digestion after consuming the noodles. The results were shocking for all people who consume noodles. They showed that the body had difficulties with digesting the noodles. The meal was still almost intact in the stomach after two hours. We need to mention that homemade noodles are digested much quicker and after two hours they were completely digested.
Dr. Braden Kuo of Massachusetts General Hospital conducted this small study and it was a first experiment on this kind of problem. Dr. Kuo also claims that this study doesn’t show that instant noodles are harmful as the sample was quite small. That is why more studies need to be done in order to determine how the slow digestive process influences the gastro- intestinal tract and overall health. Dr. Kuo also admits that he still consumes instant noodles but not so often.