Every woman likes wearing high heels and has at least one pair in the closet. But numerous studies have confirmed that wearing high heels has various negative side effects. Read the text and maybe you will decide to give up wearing high heels and choose to wear fashionable flat-heel shoes in the future!
Foot Problems Linked with Wearing High Heels
Corns and Calluses
Walking in high heels can cause corns and calluses which appear due to skin thickening in the areas where rubbing occurs. Corns and calluses usually appear on the toes, heel and outer part of the feet.
Toenail Issues
When we are wearing high heels a pressure is formed in the front part of the foot which causes pain and problems with toenails. One of these problems is ingrown toenail as in this way nail fungus often appears.
The continuous pressure on the toes also results from unnatural bending of the toes at the middle joint and if this pressure is prolonged than hammertoe is formed. Hammertoe is a deformity when the second, third or the fourth toe becomes permanently bent at the joint and starts to look like a hammer. If the deformity is severe, then a surgery is required.
A bunion is a bony bump that forms on the joint at the base of the big toe. Though podiatrists cannot confirm that it is formed due to wearing high heels it is known that high heels can worsen this condition. Bunionettes which are bunions as well but are formed near the base of the little toe are also formed because of high heels.
Achilles Tendon Damage
Because of wearing high heels the Achilles tendon can become permanently tightened and shortened. As the woman walks barefoot or in flat-heel shoes the Achilles tendon helps the foot to rise and push forward properly. On the other hand when wearing high heels the lifting of the foot is replaced by the angle of the shoe which prevents the Achilles tendon from stretching properly. If you wear high heels all the time Achille tendon will lose its function which will cause discomfort when wearing flats or walking barefoot.
Haglund’s Deformity
Haglund’s Deformity is formed on the back of the foot, and it is actually a bony deformity also known as pump bump. This condition is especially worsened by tight straps and stiff backs which are usually found in high heel shoes. Haglund’s deformity is a painful condition and can make the skin red and inflamed.
Morton’s Neuroma
If you wear tight uncomfortable shoes then they can cause growth of nerve tissue within the foot. This condition is known as Morton’s neuroma or plantar neuroma. It usually appears between the third and the fourth toe and it results in severe pain in the ball of the foot.
Metatarsalgia is actually a joint pain due to wearing high heel shoes. When the woman is standing or walking the high heel makes unnatural pressure points in the foot and because of this the ball of the foot needs to carry more weight than it is able to. In this way the weight is not distributed across the entire foot but only on the forefoot causing pain and straining.
Stress Fractures
Stress fractures are tiny cracks and appear within a bone and if they appear due to high heel shoes they are formed within the bones of the forefoot because of the increased pressure on the front of the foot.
That is why you shouldn’t let your passion for high heel shoes prevent you from having a right posture or walking without feeling pain as “Your feet are, quite literally, your base of support. If your feet aren’t happy, nothing above them will be”