Although it may sound odd, there are certain foods which have thermogenic properties and can help you burn calories as you chew. You don`t have to follow strict diets or starve yourself in order to lose weight. All you need to do is introduce these foods in your daily diet and soon you will be amazed by the results.
- Broccoli
Broccoli along with other cruciferous vegetables is rich in sulforaphane, a powerful phytochemical which stimulates the secretion of enzymes that are responsible for the fat-burning process. In addition, this compound is considered as powerful anti-carcinogenic.
- Hot Peppers
Hot peppers have the ability to stimulate the fat-burning process due to their active component capsaicin. According to numerous studies, this natural compound is able to reduce belly fat in both, men and women. Moreover, it has been proved that capsaicin increases the resting metabolic rate, which means that it speeds up the rate at which your body burns fat while at rest.
- Green Tea
Apart from the other numerous health benefits, green tea can also promote weight loss. It is loaded with antioxidants which boost the metabolism, stimulate detoxification, and speed up the fat-burning process. Green tea contains active compounds known as catechins which stimulate the effects of the fat-burning hormones. They help the fat from the fat cells to be released in the bloodstream and further used as energy.
- Bananas
It is commonly known that bananas are loaded with fruit sugars and therefore many people think they can steer them off their path towards fit body. However, the truth is quite different.
“Resistant starch found in foods like bananas and beans/legumes has been found to have a positive affect on fat levels,” says Joy McCarthy, a Toronto nutritionist and the author of Joyous Health: Eat and Live Well Without Dieting. “The starch turns into a fatty acid in the gut by the good bacteria and helps to decrease obesity by metabolizing fats after eating, thus decreasing accumulation in the long term.”
- Grapefruit
According to a study from the Scripps Clinic (San Diego, California), participants who consumed half a grapefruit or drank 8 oz of grapefruit juice three times a day while having their normal diet lost about four pounds in a period of 12 weeks. Some of the participants lost over 10 pounds without even being on a diet. Researchers found that grapefruit contains a phytonutrients called naringin which prevent fat accumulation in the body. Moreover, the results showed that grapefruit has the ability to reduce insulin levels.
- Low-fat Meat
Generally, meats are an excellent source of proteins and have almost zero carbohydrates. The body uses more energy to break down proteins than it does carbohydrates and fats, promoting weight loss. You can choose chicken breast, turkey breast, lean or extra lean ground beef and steaks, fresh tuna, salmon, crab and haddock.