The flax seeds are used to protect the mucous membrane and due to its softening property, are used against constipation and bowel cleansing.
Grinded flax seeds, on the one hand soften the intestine deposits, and on the other, “lubricate” the intestines and facilitate the fecal movement through them.
To prevent the constipation consume a tablespoon ground flaxseed, as an addition to the usual meal.
It is important to emphasize the fact that this natural remedy is not harmful at all, so do not be afraid to use it as an additive to foods.
Apart from helping in constipation, flaxseed reduces cholesterol, stimulates detoxification of the body, and reduces the risk of breast cancer and other types of cancer as well.
Unlike various laxatives, which if are excessively used can lead to serious side effects, flaxseed is completely healthy product without negative health consequences.