– How to eliminate wheat from the diet?
Ask any woman what is the first thing that she would like to change in her appearance, and you will probably get the same answer: a flat stomach and a younger face. But thanks to a leading cardiologist Dr. William Davis, now it is not necessary to opt for rigorous diets.
In fact, he claims that change is possible if you eliminate only one ingredient from your diet that until now was falsely believed to be beneficial – wheat.
Dr. Davis in his new book “Wheat Belly” explains that the wheat, which for decades is considered to be the main ingredient in the diet, is good for the heart and arteries, but over time, through aggressive, modern agricultural methods is converted into “super carbs”. This carbs our body turns into sugar faster than the carbs from any other foods.
As a result it comes to abnormal rise of insulin. And because of this hormone, sugars are converted into fat, which are stored mostly around the stomach.
This means that wheat contributes to rapid weight gain, especially around abdomen. Although this mechanism is clear and many people are familiar with, what is new is the fact that the wheat accelerates aging as well. Dr. Davis explained in which way this happens.
Connection between wheat and wrinkles
The main reason for premature aging lies in a process called glycation. This occurs when blood sugar levels will increase excessively. Namely, because too much sugar in the blood, glucose molecules attach to collagen protein (the same one protein which makes your skin young and tight).
This produces a compound known as a final product of advanced glycation (AGE – advanced glycation end-product). These compounds are rigid and because of them hairs from the skin that otherwise are elastic, become rigid as well. This is the reason why wrinkles appear.
Due to the fact that food made from wheat, as it is emphasized by Dr. Davis, increases the level of sugar in the blood more than almost any other food, even more than white sugar, upsurges the presence of insulin and AGE in the organism.
Consequently with eliminating the wheat from the diet you can achieve rapid and visible results.
In addition, new studies have shown that wheat can aggravate acne issues, and it has the same effect on dermatitis. If we add the fact that we get fat around the stomach from it, it is clear that is best to eliminate wheat completely from our menu.
How to abolish wheat from the diet
Of course, the elimination of this ubiquitous ingredient requires an appropriate plan. Food made from wheat, which include sandwiches, biscuits and pasta, has a great advantage over other food products – the easiest way is to eat “on foot”. This means you have to pay more attention to what you consume.
If you decide to avoid wheat, you‘ll have to bring your own meals to work, often go to the markets, and to spend more time in the kitchen preparing your meals. But it can be fun.
Initially you’ll fell as this regime makes your life more difficult, but with time you will notice that the avoidance of wheat actually makes your life easier. The most beneficial effect of this diet is that from the start you’ll exclude wheat as product that contains the worst carbohydrates, in the same time you won’t have to worry about calories any more.
Finally you won’t feel the need for crisps and your belly and wrinkles will begin to disappear. However, if you‘re trying to lose weight quickly, you will have to avoid rice, potatoes and maize, because they can quickly raise blood sugar as well. The next few weeks try to follow this few rules:
These foods can be consumed without limit:
– Vegetables (Except potatoes and maize)
– Nuts and seeds
– Healthy oils – olive, avocado, coconut, sesame, walnut
– Eggs and meat
– Full fat cheese
– All sauces that do not contain sugar – mustard, horseradish, mayonnaise, soy sauce, hot sauce
– Linseed, avocado, olives, coconut, spices, cocoa (unsweetened)
Eat smaller amounts of these foods:
– Maximum 100 g or 100 ml of these foods per meal because larger quantities could lead to sudden sugar increase.
– Dairy products, except cheese (milk proteins might enhance the insulin production, but the fermentation process reduces it).
– Fruits. Berries are best, but be careful with fruits that contain a lot of sugar (bananas, papaya and pineapple).
– Fresh fruit juice.
– Quinoa, millet, buckwheat, oat, integral rice (max 50 g per meal).
– Bean, lentils, peas, sweet potato
– Soy Products
These foods should be eliminated completely:
– Wheat products
– Unhealthy oils – hydrogenated oil, polyunsaturated oil
– Products without gluten. Such food is made with starch, from which sugar increases even more than from wheat.
– Dry fruit
– Fried food
– Sweet snacks high in sugar – chocolate, ice cream, energy bars
– Sweeteners full of fructose, among other things honey as well.
– Toppings which contain sugar, such as ketchup.