When we want to lose weight, we generally eliminate certain foods from our diet that we consider fattening. In addition to avoiding certain foods, we also need to know which foods should be on our menu.
In the following, we will present some of the foods that should be part of your menu, because they provide energy, speed up metabolism and promote weight loss.
It is very important that you take care of your diet in time, because if you neglect your body and gain too much weight, it may be difficult for you to lose weight. Then liposuction or some similar cosmetic surgery treatment may be the only thing that will help you.
So, let’s see which foods are good and which give you energy and don’t make you too fat.
Foods that are not fattening but give energy
Fruit. In order to consume fewer calories and to speed up the metabolism, it is recommended to replace dry food with foods that are rich in water. In that case, the best solution is fruit, because it contains large amounts of water.
In addition, fruit is full of vitamins and fiber, which are essential for weight loss and provide a feeling of satiety. Fruit also contains natural sugars that maintain optimal blood sugar levels and prevent hunger pangs. By consuming fruit, you will satisfy your sweet tooth and you will no longer need sweets between meals. Apples, which contain pectin, are especially recommended because it stimulates the metabolism and helps to eliminate fats from the body faster. Grapefruit is also very useful if you want to lose extra pounds. Namely, the bitter substances in grapefruit have dietary properties and promote digestion, thus helping to lose weight.
Also, it is always better to choose fresh fruit than dried. For example, 250 g of fresh grapes have the same calories as only 30 g of dried grapes. Besides eating fruit fresh, use every opportunity to add it to your meal. Instead of ice cream, opt for a cup of low-fat yogurt, which you can sprinkle with berries of your choice.
Vegetables. Everyone knows how healthy vegetables are, so they should be consumed daily. Every main dish should contain vegetables. Celery, zucchini, carrots and spinach can be added to various dishes, omelets, pasta, soups. The majority of the meal should always be vegetables, and a smaller portion should be meat or cheese. Vegetables contain few calories and many useful ingredients and are excellent for weight loss.
Legumes. Legumes like peas, beans and chickpeas are packed with energy-giving nutrients and are low in calories. What is important is that legumes contain almost the same amount of protein as meat, but significantly less fat. Protein also helps build muscle and makes you feel fuller for longer. Legumes are also rich in iron, vitamin B, zinc and other useful ingredients. If you regularly consume legumes, you will prevent hunger pangs and you will be in good shape.
Whole grains. The best choice for breakfast is definitely whole grains, because they are full of dietary fibers that keep us full for a longer time and we will not have the need to reach for unhealthy snacks between meals. It would be best to consume unsweetened or low-sugar whole grains, such as oatmeal. They are digested slowly and thus maintain a stable blood sugar level. You can combine oatmeal with yogurt or milk and treat yourself to a healthy breakfast with few calories, which will provide you with energy for the whole day. Also, warm oatmeal in the morning will boost your metabolism and give you energy.
Salad. In order to eat food that is not fattening, but at the same time gives energy, choose to eat a salad rich in vegetables before the main meal. It is believed that people who eat a salad before the main meal eat a smaller amount of food during the meal. It is recommended to season the salad with lemon juice and a little olive oil. After eating the salad, wait a few minutes before starting the main meal, because in just a few minutes your appetite will decrease significantly.
Cheese and yogurt. If you are hungry and feel tired and without energy, take a glass of low-fat yogurt or a piece of cottage cheese. These dairy products will give you strength and you will feel much better very quickly, unlike sugary snacks that are only instant gratification. Thanks to calcium, yogurt prevents excessive production of insulin and the formation of fat deposits. In addition, yogurt contains beneficial bacteria that cleanse the intestines and speed up metabolism.
Protein bars. Protein bars usually contain grains, but also a certain amount of sugar. Although they contain sugar, they can still help you lose weight, if consumed in moderate quantities. One or two protein bars are the perfect snack to give you energy and satisfy your sweet tooth.
A fish. Fish is also a food that has few calories and a lot of proteins and omega 3 fatty acids. Thanks to this, fish stimulates the metabolism and provides a feeling of satiety, so you should definitely include fish such as tuna, mackerel, salmon or sardines in your menu.
Turkey meat. Turkey meat is also included in foods that do not make you fat, but which provide energy. It is rich in proteins that help strengthen muscles and boost metabolism. In this way, our body burns more calories. In addition, turkey meat contains tryptophan, an amino acid that is responsible for the production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness and pleasure. So, if you eat regular turkey meat, your weight will be under control, and at the same time you will be in a good mood and full of energy.