Surely you are all familiar with the fact that if you do not use the muscles in a while, they become weaker. For example, if you hurt your foot and for a long time you are sitting in a wheelchair, you will start losing the muscle mass in the legs. The same rule applies to muscles around the eyes.
Forget glasses: With the help of these methods you can improve your eyesight by yourself.
If you wear glasses and don’t do exercises for the eyesight, your vision will gradually weaken. Eye muscles, as the rest of the body, need activity. Well, if you follow the next few rules you will quickly notice that your vision will gradually improve…
1.To avoid high eye pressure, every 2 to 3 hours close them for few minutes.
2.It is necessary to do eye “gymnastics” with the following 16 exercises. Follow the lines with your eyes:
3.Don’t wear glasses.
4.Make daily massages on the following points. With the tips of the middle finger and index finger, lightly press the eye 8 times. Make it in a way that the massage will not cause unpleasant feelings. Then, with the tips of the index finger press all these points … 2 times
5. During the walks often look in the distance.
6.Always drink carrot juice with a few drops of olive oil.
7. Rinse your eyes with warm water.
8. Do not work on computer 2 hours before you go to sleep.
9. Do the Indian exercise Trataka to improve your eyesight. It is a kind of meditation through which you focus your eye on one spot (a small object, candle light or black dot), to strengthen your vision and to stimulate the “third eye”, which is called trataka.
Firstly, focus on a symbol or an object and gaze at it intently. While doing so, pay attention to all your emotions and thoughts releasing them slowly in order to cleanse your mind and turn yourself towards the symbol. When your eyes begin to water, close them and rest. The purpose of the exercise is to continue as long as possible before the eyes begin to water. The second phase is to be focused on the candle light. For more information, there are several books with detailed instructions for these exercises that you can easily find online.
10. Avoid heavy physical exertion and stress
This method can help many people and not only to improve their vision, but also to fully repair the impaired eye sight. Do not waste your time and do not neglect your problem. Start the process immediately in order to quickly obtain positive results.