You hit yourself accidentally and your body is prone to bruises. No matter how much you try to avoid it, bruises will appear anyway.
You may even notice that the number of bruises increases day by day. They last for days and change color from bluish to yellow and purple.
Here are some tips on how to get rid of bruises in a single day.
- As soon as you notice the sore spot, start applying cold compresses. When changing the compresses, make sure to take five-minute breaks in between to avoid frostbite. Ice does not reduce the pain, but it slows down the flow of lymph and blood through the blood vessels thus preventing bruising.
After cooling the bruise, it is important to apply some calendula or any other cream, to avoid the appearance of hematoma.
- A cabbage leaf will serve as an excellent compress which relieves pain and reduces swelling. It’s important to fix the cabbage leaf with gauze and keep it on the bruise for two hours before removing it.
You can also apply some finely chopped parsley in the same way.
- Another thing you can do is boil some potatoes, then peel and mash them. Add a little honey and plain water and apply the mixture on the affected area. Let the mixture stay on the painful spot for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2 – 3 times a day.
- Garlic is also excellent for bruises because it has anti-inflammatory properties. As with the cabbage, put crushed garlic on the bruises.
- Cotton wool soaked in vinegar is another effective treatment for the elimination of bruises because it improves circulation.
- Also, bruises can be treated with butter or castor oil.