If you are like me, I know you hate dandruff. It is not a pretty sight on your hair and it makes you feel ashamed of your scalp. Here are some ways to get rid of it at home. Try them and let us know!
Olive Oil
We all know olive oil is great for so many things, and it is also an excellent tool for hydration and cleansing. Jus heat some olive oil in a microwave to get it warm, but not hot. After that, apply it on the affected area and rub in a circular motion, and after an hour, wash it with shampoo.
Lemon Juice
The best natural remedy for dandruff. Just squeeze some lemon juice and mix it with water. Massage the scalp with lemon peel for a few minutes and then rinse the mixture of water and lemon juice.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Get a spray bottle and mix 60 ml of apple cider vinegar with 60 ml of water in it. Then just spray the mixture on the hair and the root, and be sure to avoid the eyes. Then wrap your hair in a towel. After an hour wash it as usual.
Baking soda
Rub a handful of baking soda while your hair is still wet. Apply this treatment a few weeks instead of shampooing your hair and the hair should start producing its natural oils. If your hair gets too dry, reduce the amount of baking soda.
All of the above home remedies for dandruff are very simple and effective. They are way better than buying expensive shampoos full chemistry. Try them!