Proper diet and regular exercise are the two key factors for a flat stomach. These are some interesting tips that will help you to achieve it quickly.
1. Massage your abdomen
Massaging the belly, you accelerate the process of digestion. That’s why massage the stomach with the whole hand making circulate movements after eating.
2. Keep your body upright
Proper posture is great for your abs. It is recommended 3 to 5 times a day while sitting to put the belly back.
3. Chew long when you eat
If you swallow the food very quickly and you talk during the meal, in the stomach enters a large amount of air. In addition, if you eat quickly, you consume more food than you really need.
4. Avoid salt
One of the key reasons for accumulation of fat is salt. Therefore try to consume it in small quantities.
5. Consume drinks with lemon and ginger
Every morning drink a glass of beverage made from fresh lemon and ginger, which will speed up your metabolism.
6. Eat whole grains
In occasion when you want to reach for carbohydrates choose cereals that are digested slowly, like bread made of whole grains which equate the amount of insulin in the blood.
7. Every day eat apples
Apples directly affect muscle power and losing fat. They improve the work of the genes responsible for fat burning and reduce the production and storage of fat.
8. Consume avocado
Avocados are rich in mono unsaturated fatty acids, which don’t accumulate in the body as fats.