Peppermint oil macerated in 100 percent cold pressed milk thistle oil. The dry remedy represents 20 percent of macerate volume share; 1: 5 by volume share.
Gallstones are formed by the bile, fluid consisting of water, bile salts, lecithin and cholesterol produced by the liver. Gallbladder is located under the liver in which the bile is stored until it is needed in the small intestine for fat digestion. Gallstones are mostly created because of too much cholesterol in the bile which deposits out of the bile and cholelithiasis occurs. At any time, the gallstones can get stuck in the bile ducts leading from the gallbladder to the common bile duct and cause pain (biliary colic), infection and inflammation (cholecystitis) or altogether.
About 15 percent of the people with gallbladder stones have also stones in the common bile duct (choledocholithiasis), which sometimes pass into the small intestine, but can also be retained in the water and cause flatulence, infection or inflammation of the pancreas. Between 10 to 20 percent of all adults over 40 have gallstones. Gallstones will develop in both men and women with excessive body weight and those who consume meals with a lot of saturated fats and refined sugar.
Variations in body weight also increase the risk of gallstones. Medications for lowering the cholesterol, gemfibrozil and clofibrate, reduce blood cholesterol levels by increasing the amount which is excreted in the bile that again increases the risk of gallstones. Other risk factors include starvation, pregnancy and intravenous nutrition. Cirrhosis represents a high risk for gallstones, and can develope faster and in patients with diabetes, who tend to suffer from severe infections.
Peppermint macerated in milk thistle oil
The liver is the largest gland and the second largest organ in the human body, and is the only internal organ that can regenerate. The liver is the “silent organ”, but is generally ignored until something seriously goes wrong. The liver plays a major role in the body detoxification from harmful substances. In addition, the liver produces the bile that is required for normal fat absorption in the intestine. Bile acts as a detergent that degrades fats into fine fat particles which are easier dissolved in that way and absorbed from the blood into the intestines.
Gallstones often occur in people who have a higher total lipid levels, triglycerides or cholesterol levels. Therefore, the liver diseases, such as chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis, often occur as a result of increased fat values in the serum. Cold-pressed milk thistle oil is an excellent source of linoleic acid, which is essential for further biosynthesis of biologically active substances such as prostaglandins prostacyclins and thromboxanes etc. – In short, all these substances are essential for regulation of metabolism. Also, linoleic acid is directly embedded in the cell membrane of the body and thus is one of the basic building blocks of the substances in the body. Linoleic acid is part of many active structures (liposomes) and has a key role in metabolizing fats. It is a powerful antioxidant, which means that is an effective guardian of the body against negative effects of free radicals and other corrosive elements that can damage cells and lead to accelerated aging and severe diseases.
In addition, milk thistle oil helps the liver and thus indirectly prevents the formation of gallstones; it also has strong anti-inflammatory effects. Reading the texts about this product, you will notice that is often emphasized the anti-inflammatory properties of our oil and polyunsaturated fatty acids that are contained in it. We can even claim that all of our health problems begin with inflammations. There are also positive sides because inflammation in a controlled environment is an important for our body functioning and it simply defends it against infections. However, as it is popularly said, inflammation is good if it lasts for three days, and the problem is if it becomes chronic. Then the cells from which the inflammation has begun and are supposed to destroy bacteria and viruses start turning against our body.
Peppermint leaves
Peppermint leaves contain 1-2 percent essential oil, 6-12 percent of tannins, flavonoids, bitter substances,
Mint leaves
Mint leaves contain 1-2 percent essential oil, 6-12 percent of tannins, flavonoids, bitter substances, betaine, urosolic (0.3 percent) and oleanolic (0.12 percent) acid, hesperidin (vitamin C) and carotene (up to 40 mg). Peppermint curative effect is based primarily on the content of essential oil and menthol, then tannins and flavonoids. Menthol interacts with tannins against stomach and intestines disorders, relieves pain, soothes cramps, bloating and diarrhea, promotes better digestion of food, soothes irritation and nausea with vomiting, and acts as an antiseptic. The essential oil and flavonoids from peppermint leaves have particular effects on the formation and secretion of bile, and menthol is secreted in the same time which acts as a disinfectant (antiseptic).
And as we have previously said, peppermint leaves macerated in cold pressed oil seeds represent the best and of medicinal plants and of cold-pressed oil.urosolnu (0.3 percent) and oleanolnu (0.12 percent) acid, hesperidin (vitamin C) and carotene (up to 40 mg). Curative effect of peppermint is based primarily on the content of essential oil and menthol, then tannins and flavonoids. Menthol acts with tannins in disorders of the stomach and intestines, relieves pain, soothes cramps, bloating and diarrhea, promotes better digestion of food, soothes irritation and nausea with vomiting, and acts as an antiseptic. The essential oil and flavonoids of peppermint leaves have particular effects on the formation and secretion of bile, until it reaches maximum activity, and is secreted and that the menthol acts as a disinfectant (antiseptic).
And as we have previously said, mint leaves macerated in cold pressed milk thistle oil is the best of medicinal plants and of cold-pressed oils.