We all know the beneficial properties of honey, but only few are aware of the positive effects of honey water or water with honey.
Honey water has been used for treatment of various diseases and cosmetic purposes since ancient times. It was simply used as a tasty drink at all celebrations.
How to prepare the honey water?
Mix one teaspoon of honey with a glass of fresh hot water. What you get is 30% honey solution, which is identical to blood plasma in composition. Honey forms a cluster compound in fresh water (it structures the water), thus increasing its healing properties, which has been scientifically proven. Honey water is quickly and thoroughly absorbed in the body.
Why is honey water healthy?
Prepared in this way, honey water:
– Normalizes digestion, improves the function of all parts of your gastrointestinal tract and is beneficial for lazy bowel syndrome,
– Strengthens your immune system, heals colds, bronchitis, extracts the lung mucus naturally –through your intestines.
All kinds of parasites inhabiting the human digestive tract are repelled by yellow. Bacteria proliferation stops if the yellow color is introduced in the gut through food. What happens is recuperation of the intestines by dissolution of fecal deposits there.
Therefore, at first you will notice an increase in your waist circumference, which shouldn’t worry you. There is a simple explanation for this: fecal sediments become softer and swell starting their ejection from the organism.
What starts is actually body cleansing at cellular level which increases antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activity.
The colon function normalizes. Drinking honey water is an efficient way to restore intestinal flora and to eliminate intestinal dysbacteriosis.
Nighttime incontinence is also treated. Honey is hygroscopic, meaning it binds with water thus relieving your kidney and bladder function overnight.
How to drink honey water?
For preventive purposes honey water should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. It’s important to note that you should drink it very quickly.
The stomach sphincter opens immediately and water enters the intestines, after which it is absorbed into the bloodstream.
Honey water is usually taken in the morning immediately after you wake up and at night before bedtime. Don’t be afraid to drink water before going to bed as it prevents bloating and it facilitates kidney function.
Always drink freshly prepared water. Never make it in advance!
Clean your face with honey water. It nourishes your skin, leaving it velvety, silky and soft. This is excellent natural honey cosmetics, the oldest and the latest at the same time.
Be healthy!