With coming of the windy and cold days the problems with sinuses are back as well.
Headaches are also frequent symptom and are difficult to be treated.
To avoid taking pills, it is it better to try this old-fashioned recipe to relieve pain and inflammation.
The best ally is the horseradish which should be grated and poured with half a liter of vinegar.
Place mixture in a glass bottle and close it tightly. Keep it for 10 days at room temperature, with occasional stirring.
After 10 days, open the bottle for several times during the day and inhale for about 5 minutes.
The same fluid can be put on a piece of cotton or cloth and used as a coating.
The treatment lasts for 5 days, which is quite enough. You can repeat it up to 2 times a month.
Another recipe against inflamed sinuses is to grate 50 g of horseradish in half a liter of water and put it to boil. Then make inhalations over the boiling mixture, and cover the head with a towel.