Not until recently have diabetics had the choice to use any natural remedies apart from the conventional therapy for their condition. However, recent studies have unveiled new findings indicating that there are plants that are extremely beneficial for treatment of diabetes. One of these is Okra.
Okra is commonly referred to as a super food owing to its amazing health benefits.
This article discusses why Okra water could be the new all-natural cure for diabetes.
This tall vegetable originated in Ethiopia; it is also often referred to as ladyfingers. According to research, it can have positive effect on diabetes because of its effect on blood sugar levels. Moreover, it is commonly used as cancer prevention.
There are several ways to include this into your diet – you can fry the pods, add them to soups or boil them and serve with other dishes. Another way to reap the benefits of this vegetable is to drink Okra water. While Okra has no saturated fats or cholesterol and is really low in calories, it’s abundant in nutrients.
Studies on Okra and its Effects on Diabetes
A number of studies have confirmed that Okra can decrease blood glucose levels in mice.
As for people, many diabetics have noticed a decline in blood sugar levels upon consumption of Okra water, which can easily be prepared by simply leaving some Okra pods in a glass of water overnight and then drink the juice in the morning.
Alternatively, you can juice the Okra leaves. Still, Okra water has proved the most efficient treatment. This decline in glucose levels seems to be triggered by the fiber in Okra leaves, which slow down the absorption of sugar from the digestive tract.
Other Health Benefits of Okra
Although Okra is extremely beneficial for diabetes, health experts think that it can also prevent cancer as well as some other conditions. For one thing, Okra is abundant in fiber, essential vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants.
Okra water, on the other hand, can also prevent and relieve constipation. In fact, Okra water lowers the risk for cancer, especially colon cancer. It’s also beneficial for treatment of depression. Moreover, it boosts your energy for the day if you drink it in the morning. Since it has anti-inflammatory properties, it can alleviate a sore throat, IBS, ulcers and even lung congestion.
Sources: Healthy Food House