With the heat of summer, the care that a baby has to receive increases. Your skin, your diet, what clothes to wear, routines interrupted by vacations, hydration… there are many aspects that must be taken into account.
For humans, water intake is very important, since an adult body is made up of more than 50% water. But… Why is our baby’s hydration more important? Because their body is made up of 70% water, approximately 20% more than adults.
In this season of the year, more than ever, it is essential to hydrate our baby, since, with the heat, they sweat more and the need for hydration increases.
In its first months of life, water is obtained from the milk that is consumed at each meal.
When our little one turns 6 months old, the change in diet affects his hydration since he goes from liquid products to solid food. So, you have to give it to drink water even if the little one does not ask for it, since, in many cases, they do not identify the feeling of thirst.
In ictiva, your gym at home you will find a room dedicated exclusively to babies sponsored by the Layette “Welcome Baby” by Caprabo.
ictiva, your gym at home It has a room dedicated exclusively to babies with three sections: aquatic activities, children’s massages and massages with songs by Dámaris Gelabert, as well as a sports initiation room and dances for children.