Recently, the flax seed is called the super grocery, and that is completely true. Flax seeds are a great natural cleanser of the body of toxins and cholesterol. The digestive system will stabilize, it will strengthen the immune system and the body will get rid of chronic fatigue, weakness, inflammation and constipation.
Flax seeds are one of the oldest foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, soluble and insoluble fiber, protein, vitamin B1, B2, C, E, magnesium, zinc, copper and selenium.
In addition, they contain linoleic (n-6), oleic (omega-9) and palmitic fatty acid, and more than half of the fat contained in the flax is alpha linolenic acid (omega-3).
It is particularly interesting that the flax seeds contain more omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil.
It also contains soluble fiber and lignin, which is an extremely important antioxidant. To be a tasty part of the daily diet, flax seeds can knead the bread or cakes, either as a whole or of concocted. In addition, you can add them to sauces, salads, soups, fritters, yoghurt etc.
The health benefits of flax seeds are numerous, and here we have just few of them:
They protect against cardiovascular disease
Thanks to the abundance of healthy fatty acids, these seeds are great foods for a healthy heart. People who regularly consume flax seeds have a lower risk of stroke. In addition, the seeds have a major role in the prevention of heart disease, reduce plaque in the arteries.
Reduce symptoms of menopause
Thanks to the lignans, a chemical substance which is found in flax seeds, they successfully alleviate the symptoms of menopause, according to a survey from 2013.
Reduce cholesterol
According to a survey from 2010, the regular use of flaxseed helps reduce levels of harmful LDL cholesterol in the body.
As confirmed, 100 mg of flaxseed a day helps to reduce cholesterol levels and the risk of liver disease in men.
Ally in weight loss
Thanks to the “good” fats and fiber, a flax seed helps in weight loss. Significant role in it have B vitamins, magnesium, zinc and potassium.
Cancer prevention
The flax seed has a preventive effect when it comes to breast cancer, prostate cancer, ovarian and colon cancer; studies from the US National Institute for Research on Cancer (NCI) have confirmed. A key role in this process again has the lignans that block the enzymes in the metabolism of hormones that are responsible for the growth and spread of cancer cells.
Stabilize blood sugar levels
Flax seeds help regulate blood sugar levels, protect diabetics from kidney disease and heart disease.
Regulate digestion
The digestive system just loves the fiber from the flaxseed. The flow of food through the intestines is faster thanks to the consumption of flax seeds. Flax seed and flax seed oil acts as a natural laxative.
Flax seeds are a great natural cleanser of the body of toxins and cholesterol. The digestive system will stabilize, it will strengthen the immune system and the body will get rid of chronic fatigue, weakness, inflammation and constipation.