Contrary to common belief, the human brain is a very supple and flexible organ. Despite the fact that it does deteriorate with age, surprisingly, it can also be remodeled and its thinking capacity improved.
The article below clarifies how your body can significantly benefit your mind.
It’s a fact that the mind and the body are closely connected. However, a recent study conducted by Wayne State University tried to discover to what extent.
For many years, it was believed that the brain’s structure became unchangeable once adulthood was reached. But, new evidence suggests quite the opposite.
The Study.
For the purpose of this study, Wayne State University observed the brain activity of lab rats to determine at what point in life and under what circumstances the brain stops to grow. The findings revealed that prolonged periods of sedentary behavior may lead to brain deterioration.
Simple Exercises.
Although your body may require a lot of of tension and many repetitions in order to build muscle, your brain can grow even with the simplest exercises. Don’t forget to take regular breaks and drink plenty of fluids to keep your energy levels up while doing these simple workouts.
Wall Push Ups.
You can do wall pushups anywhere because all you need for this exercise is a strong flat wall. Start by standing about six inches away from the wall. Place your hands flat against the wall and take 2-3 steps backwards. When your body is diagonal, bend your arms until your face and chest are about an inch away from the wall. Straighten your arms to bring yourself further away from the wall. Repeat this 5 – 10 times.
Stand with your feet 6-8 inches apart. Take a large step forward. Stepping forward allow your knees to bend about 90 degrees. Hold this position for 3 seconds, and then use your forward leg to push yourself back to a standing position. Switch legs and repeat this motion. Do about 5 repetitions for each leg.
This is a low impact exercise, but with amazing results. According to this study, not only will walking stimulate neuron development in your brain, but it will also improve your overall cardiovascular health.
It’s highly advisable to assign a few moments of your day to walking as this can have a significant effect on your brain’s health.
Source: The Hearty Soul