The ulcer is the result of infections caused by the staphylococci or streptococci bacteria, which normally inhabit the skin, sometimes the throat and nasal passages, and are responsible for a number of serious diseases, including pneumonia, meningitis, urinary tract infections and endocarditis (infection of the heart layer).
Ulcers usually occur when due to an injury or skin irritation bacteria get into one or more hair follicles, which leads to gathering of white blood cell neutrophils at that place in order to fight the infection. This results in inflammation and eventually in the formation of pus, which is in fact a mixture of old neutrophils, bacteria and dead skin cells.
Excellent recipes based on plants such as onions, dandelion and nettle have proved efficient in the treatment of ulcers.
Cut an onion in half and brown it on a hotplate immediately after getting up. Remove it and coat it with little oil, apply on the ulcer, bandage it with clean gauze and leave it for several hours. Remove the wrap and clean the affected area with chamomile tea. Repeat the procedure before bedtime, leaving the bandage overnight. In the morning, take off the bandage, wash the area with chamomile tea, and then spread some honey on it.
Olive oil and Aloe
Mix half a deciliter of cold-extracted olive oil with the same amount of aloe juice. Soak some sterile gauze in the liquid and bandage the affected area. Change the bandage every few hours.
Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of dried nettle flowers, cover it and leave it for 30 to 40 minutes. Strain it and drink it 3-4 times a day in small sips. This tea is an excellent blood purifier.
Mix three tablespoons of nettle and walnut leaves with two tablespoons of horsetail and stir well. Add 3dl of boiling water to a spoonful of this mixture and drink a cup of it three times a day.
Although it is not always possible to prevent the occurrence of ulcers, especially in the case of a weakened immune system, some precautions can prevent the appearance of these painful lesions on the skin:
Regularly wash your hands with mild soap.
Any scratch or small cut should be washed repeatedly and thoroughly with a mild soap.
Avoid using others’ personal items such as towels, clothing or sports equipment.