Aromatic oregano, present as a well-known spice in many world cuisines, is much more than a tasty addition to the preparation of various specialties.
It is characterized by monogamous medicinal properties, and an extremely beneficial tea can be prepared from it, which has a positive effect on the overall human health, acts as a medicine and can be consumed for preventive purposes.
Medicinal plant oregano
The oregano plant, in Latin Origanum Vulgare, is multi-useful and very medicinal for human health. Oregano originates from the Mediterranean region and Central Asia, and belongs to the family of usanaceae. It is a perennial plant that grows up to 30 cm in height and has red or pale pink flowers. Some species have white flowers and they are not medicinal.
Oregano has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine for its healing properties, and in European regions it is mostly present as a recognizable spice in Italian and Greek cuisine. The well-known aromatic smell and taste of Italian pizza or Greek salad comes from this fine herb. The pleasant specific aroma in famous dishes is only one of the effects of oregano, because this plant also has many useful ingredients that have a healing effect on our body.
Oregano is rich in alpha humulenes, ingredients that have an anti-cancer effect. It also contains delta cadinene, which act on the testosterone hormone and the appearance of inflammatory acne on the skin. Ursolic acid in this plant is an ally in the fight against HIV, arthritis, diabetes, liver poisoning, excessive secretion of histamine, against viruses, cell mutations, as well as in the prevention of tumors.
Medicinal parts of oregano are the leaves and tops of the plant with flowers and leaves, while the stem is not medicinal. Oregano is dried in a warm, drafty place in the shade, and the dried plant is stored in hermetically sealed packages. As a medicinal plant, oregano is mostly used in the form of oil and tea.
Medicinal properties of oregano tea
Oregano tea has really valuable properties that affect the overall state of health, increase the body’s resistance and prevent various types of health problems.
Anti-inflammatory property – Oregano tea is rich in useful, essential omega 3 fatty acids, which successfully help reduce inflammatory processes in any organs, and also reduce the risk of heart disease and arthritis. These acids are also useful for improving cognitive and behavioral functions. Oregano tea is also good for reducing fever and speeding up recovery after illness.
Antibacterial properties – Oregano tea helps prevent all types of bacterial infections. Oregano contains thymol and carvacrol oils, which are known in science as an excellent anti-bacterial agent. Thanks to its useful ingredients, oregano tea successfully slows down their reproduction. It also helps in the fight against already existing bacterial infections, even more effectively than some conventional drugs that are prescribed for this purpose. In addition to them, it also contains vitamin C, so it is a strong ally in strengthening immunity.
Asthma and Cough Relief – Studies have shown that oregano tea helps relieve unpleasant asthma attacks and cold symptoms. Warm sweetened tea with honey reduces persistent cough and calms asthma attacks, while inhalation cleans the airways and very effectively decongests the nose.
Weight loss – Tea made from this medicinal plant is rich in fiber, which we already know plays a vital role in maintaining metabolism and regulating body weight, which is why it is an excellent ally in all types of diets. Besides being effective for the line, it also makes the body vital and protects the body from some diseases.
Abdominal and muscle pain – Whether caused by menstrual cramps or bloating due to intestinal gas, oregano tea successfully reduces pain and soothes the stomach. In addition, a cup of warm oregano drink also helps with joint pain and painful muscle spasms.
Insomnia and relaxation – Oregano tea is another excellent folk remedy for insomnia. A warm bath before going to bed helps the nerves to relax and enables a restful sleep.
Oregano tea recipe
Both dry and fresh leaves of the plant can be used to prepare oregano tea. Dried oregano is easily available, and in case you buy fresh, care should be taken that it has not been sprayed with chemicals. Oregano leaves, water and one spoon of honey are needed for preparation.
Let the water boil for about ten minutes, and then add the oregano leaves in the amount you like when you brew any kind of herbal tea. Soak the leaves and cook them over low heat, in order to extract all the useful ingredients. After about twenty minutes, the leaves begin to darken and this is a sign that the tea is ready and can be sweetened if desired. It is best to use natural honey, not sugar or sweeteners, because this drink should first of all have a medicinal purpose. If it is cooked for too long, it can become quite bitter, so it is recommended to test the taste during cooking. Strain the finished tea and consume it warm.
Warning for pregnant women
Tea and other oregano products, such as oil or tincture, should be avoided by pregnant women, as its frequent use reduces iron absorption. People who are allergic to plants from the sedum family can have a reaction in the form of rashes, skin irritations and vomiting.