Walnut oil is effective in the treatment against various inflammatory diseases such as gastritis, arthritis, colitis, intolerance, autoimmune diseases, allergic reactions, and many others.
Walnut oil is an effective natural therapeutic product that has a number of beneficial health effects on the body. Even the ancient Greeks were familiar with this oil which was named by their supreme god and as we all know, they were very intelligent and wise (not to mention all the intellectual and philosophical discoveries of this ancient civilization).
It improves the cognitive function which is logically assumed by the appearance of the fruit, and this is confirmed in numerous clinical studies. Walnut oil in fact causes improved cerebral circulation and microcirculation, which is crucial for optimal activity, operation and function of the brain and the nervous system, and thus improves the memory, learning new skills, improves concentration and overall mental state.
Walnut oil is one of the best sources of antioxidants and prevents tissue damage from free radicals on physiological level of each cell. Namely, their antioxidant activity can significantly slow down the aging process and preclude the occurrence of degenerative changes and malignant diseases. Also has a systemic and local beneficial effect on the body, because walnut oil consumed orally or applied on the skin, effectively prevents the various processes of tissue and organ damages and accelerates their recovery.
Ellagic acid, a compound naturally present in walnut oil (also found in berries, especially strawberries) has prodigious anti-aging effect, but also has a significant antiseptic properties as it accelerates the disappearance of viral, bacterial and fungal infections.
Walnut oil is a natural source of iodine and thus affects the thyroid gland proper function and maintains its hormonal balance.
Thyroid hormones trigger the metabolism, and their optimum levels in the body regulate numerous physiological, health and aesthetic effects like using the blood sugar and fat to produce energy which reduces their increased levels and thereby the occurrence of health complications in diabetic patients, but also helps in burning fat deposits and reduces the adipose tissue in overweight people.
Also, iodine is a natural antiseptic and will help in the fight against boring Candida.
Walnuts oil contains biologically active form of the hormone melatonin, which naturally regulates normal sleep and increases the quality of sleep. Walnut oil is also used to relieve skin problems such as psoriasis, eczema and neurodermatitis as it reduces the occurrence of inflamed skin, allergic reactions, and soothes the unbearable itchy skin.
Essential fatty acids (omega-3) in walnut oil significantly reduce the increased cholesterol levels and triglycerides, balance the lipid profile in the blood and lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.
They prevent the blood vessels calcification (atherosclerosis), the formation of clots and the risk of heart attack. It also effectively slows down the chronic inflammatory processes in the body that are responsible for the development of various degenerative conditions of cells, tissues, organs and the entire organism.
Walnut oil is effective in the treatment against various inflammatory diseases such as gastritis, arthritis, colitis, intolerance, autoimmune diseases, allergic reactions, and many others. Scientific studies have shown that it even slows down the growth and development of tumors, which is not surprising given the fact that the essential fatty acids act as promoters of apoptosis cell cycle and thus encourage remission and death of various malignant tumor tissues. Accordingly, walnut oil, due to its extremely therapeutic effects on the entire organism, is one of the best natural products for maintaining optimal health.