In laboratory conditions it is demonstrated that purified propolis destroys Candida Albicans in just eight seconds.
In the battle against fungal infections it is recommended to consume vitamin C three times a day at least 1 g always combined with lyophilized royal jelly. Also is recommended daily usage of garlic, vitamins from B group and essential fatty acids from unheated flax seed oil.
Regular drinking freshly squeezed vegetable juices before each meal can help as well. Sugars and fermented carbonated drinks should be removed from the diet. The diet should be according to blood types. To protect women from fungal infections except taking care of hygiene they should avoid stressful situations and should wear cotton underwear, as well not to wear tight clothing.
Fresh juices against neurosis, neuralgia and Candida:
Ingredients: 280 g of carrots, 170 g of spinach. Blend the vegetables. Drink one cup of juice three times daily before meals.
Make a mixture from 255 g. carrot juice and 200 g. celery juice. Drink one cup three times a day before meals.
Prepare a mixture from 200 g. carrot juice, 110 g. celery juice, 60 g. parsley juice and 90 g spinach juice. Drink one cup, 3 times a day before meals.