This medicine has proven to be very successful in treating polyps, hoarseness and other throat diseases.
The natural remedy that is mentioned in this text is suitable for other throat problems as well, but we should emphasize that this remedy is exclusively for adults.
- 1 Lovage root (Levisticum officinale)
- 1 liter of homemade brandy from grape or plums
Wash the root and slightly peel the top layer, then chop it into smaller pieces, or grate it. Put the chopped root in 1L glass bottle; pour half a liter of brandy and keep it for one week. After seven days fill up the bottle with the other half of the brandy.
Use it for rinsing the throat, not for drinking
The throat should be rinsed with this alcohol, 5-6 times per day.
Do not strain it, that is the root should be left in the bottle, along with the brandy.