Many times you have heard that you should get rid of the microwave and should not prepare food in it. However, no one has such strong arguments to prove it. We will discover 4 things that are actually myths when it comes to preparing food in the microwave.
Kills food nutrients
This is a myth. In all forms of thermal processing of food it loses some of its nutrients. With longer cooking at high temperature the food loses more nutrients, so some vitamins can evaporate if cooked too long. Therefore microwave has its advantages. If you prepare food in it, means it will be cooked less at lower temperatures, with less water, which in turn means that your meal will have more nutrients than if you prepare it on the stove.
It is true that microwave ovens emit radiation, but it isn’t true that these rays are dangerous. Radiation is measured on a spectrum from highest to lowest frequency. It is known that the high forms of radiation can damage DNA and cause many diseases, but the microwave doesn’t emit high radiation and therefore is safe to use. Each microwave passes through certain security tests before they are put up for sale.
Toxic food
The Internet is full of stories about dangerous, toxic compounds produced by the use of microwave ovens, but this is not true. Most professionals say there is no clear evidence that microwave causes some negative effects and that is harmful to our health. All methods of heating food can create certain changes, and microwave is just one way of heating, which can cause a lot less toxic compounds than cooking on an open fire.
Containers for preparing food
The only thing you need to worry about is choosing the right container in which you will prepare or reheat the food. Therefore, glass and ceramic containers are the only ones you should use. Metal, cardboard or plastic containers shouldn’t be used because they can deform and even explode.