Is there anything healthier than juice which you will prepare by yourself?
One of the childhood memories is certainly the tart cherry juice prepared by our grandmothers for the winter. This refreshing drink was later replaced by store bought juice full of unfamiliar ingredients. But my grandmother’s tart-cherry juice largely because of its great taste is not and must not be forgotten.
You will need:
– 3 kg of tart cherries
-1.5 liters of water
– 40 g of citric acid
– Sugar (equal ratio to water)
Clean and store the tart cherries in a larger container and then add the citric acid and water. Mash them well with your hands and leave them overnight. In this way, the fruit must “rest” for 24 hours.
The next step is squeezing: You can do it through gauze, but also with a large strainer if you have one.
Measure the amount of juice, add equal amount of sugar and stir with a wooden spoon until the sugar is dissolved. When the sugar is dissolved, place the juice in bottles and keep it in the refrigerator.
And clearly, consume it diluted in water.