This plant can be kept indoors, but shouldn’t be kept in heated rooms.
The plant with Latin name Krasula Arborescens, here is known as the Japanese tree, grows around the world, where it is known as “money tree” or “dollar tree” because of its round fleshy leaves that resemble the form of one dollar coin.
According to a popular superstition, this plant brings positive energy and the people who own it also have a lot of money.
Because of such a belief, Japan’s “money tree” is often seen on office windows and similar business premises.
Scientists claim that this plant is full of gas, stimulating ingredients and essential oils that increase mental and physical alertness in man and activates his mental and physical abilities.
The people around it become more active and optimistic, work more and have better mood, begin to think positively and thus earn more money – according to scientists who have studied it.
According to them this plant has a positive effect on the human psyche and improves physical health.