We believe that each of us showers at least once a day! This habit is thought to be praised, but experts say that we should not do it, especially over the winter days.
The Medical University of San Diego conveyed an interesting study. The team of experts, led by Dr. Casey Carlos, claims that everyday showering is not good for our skin. This is especially true during the winter period.
In winter, the skin is more sensitive, drier and subjected to numerous impairments, which is not the case in summer. You might have noticed that your skin on your hands over the winter period is heavily damaged. This is what happens to whole body skin. Dr. C. Carlos says that it is very important how we take a shower.
It is important not to use hot water, which is often used during the winter, but it is very harmful. Also, it is important and how we use the soap. You don’t need to soap the entire body! It is much healthier to soap the “crucial” parts of the body, such as armpits, feet, intimate parts. The skin regenerates and cleans itself and therefore does not need long-term soaping.
Furthermore, if you cannot stop showering with hot water and a detailed soaping, you need to apply a body lotion after showering. It is important to nourish and moisturize the skin.