Fish is one of the healthiest meals and lately people are becoming more aware of this fact. We’ve all started include it in our diets on a more regular basis and one of the most popular types must be the tuna fish.
Tuna is healthy and many doctors recommend it for regular consumption but there are certain things you need to about it which will make you think twice next time you want to prepare a fish dish. As it turns out tuna negatively affects our health and we’re here to tell you why.
Tuna, both fresh and canned, contains high levels of proteins and omega 3 fatty acids, which are extremely health beneficial. However, we now know that tuna contains high levels of mercury as well, a poisonous mineral which can cause a lot of damage to our organism.
Tuna contains mercury that can kill you
The sad thing is that a lot of different types of fish and seafood contain high levels of mercury or methyl, and this mineral can cause some serious damage to your central nervous system, especially if we’re exposed in the early years of life.
Even though experts have examined the tuna that’s sold in out supermarkets and fish stores and have determined that the levels of mercury it contains are very low and probably won’t do much damage to your organism it’s still recommended that you try to eliminate it from your diet. Or at least try to diminish its consumption just to be sure.
The worst thing is that around 40 % of this poisonous mineral, accumulated in the meat of different fish while they’re still in the water is also contaminated industrially, and that’s why it wreaks havoc on the cognitive system of people. Moreover, the tuna we eat usually comes from different oceans which have been previously contaminated, be it from radiation like Fukushima or something else. One thing is for sure the tuna that comes from these regions is not safe for consumption. It has even been linked to cancer in some extreme cases.
Don’t take us wrong, we’re not saying that you should eat tuna or other types of fish, far from it. Fish is healthy and should be consumed regularly, but be careful with what kind of fish you’re buying and try to diminish the intake of fish with suspicious origin, like the tuna. It’s the only way you can be sure you’re not exposing yourself and your loved ones to unnecessary health risks.