Cotton swabs are used by many people for maintaining their personal hygiene, but many experts agree – that can be extremely harmful to health.
Cleanliness is half your health- a very true proverb, but when it comes to cleaning ears, surprisingly this is not the case. In fact, many people use cotton swabs, which lead to many problems. Experts point out that these swabs should be used for cleaning only some ear parts, the “external” ones. That is, the swab should not be pushed deep into the ear.
The wax protects the ears, and the ear cleans itself!
Earwax also known by the medical term cerumen, actually protects the ear, preventing the harmful substances from outside to enter into the ear which could also reach the eardrum. It is antibacterial and antifungal and prevents water retention in the ear as well. When the ear wax is created more than needed, it moves towards the jaw (when speaking or chewing).
Ear Swabs push the earwax back into the ear, and this may cause blockage of the ear canal and hearing loss. Also, the swabs can damage the eardrum or cause itching because constant ear cleaning dries the skin, which then cracks and opens the way for bacteria to enter the body freely.
How do you clean your ears properly?
Instead of using cotton swabs that are more harmful than beneficial, the ears can be cleaned using a solution prepared with vinegar, rubbing alcohol and water. Put several drops from this solution in the ear, and you can clean it with ordinary towel – only the external part of the ear.
If, however, you cannot give them up, try at least to use them as little as possible and do not push them deep into the ear.