Be cautious when using eggs, and remember these tips:
In the summer you should be especially careful with the consumption of eggs. Therefore, we bring you some tips to help you detect whether it is fresh or it is better not to consume it.
1. Fresh egg has a thick and bulging yolk and egg white should be thick and cloudy, and this can only be evaluated when you break the egg.
2. Egg shell, in fact is its packaging, and changes to the shell indicate that the egg is decomposing.
3. A good old trick is dipping the eggs into the water. Place it in a pot in which you will pour twice as much water than its high. If the egg sinks and remains firmly at the bottom, it is fresh, and if it lifts slightly from the bottom it would be better not to be consumed. But, especially do not consume those that float on the surface because they are rotten for sure.
4. Take the egg and put it next to your ear. Shake it gently and listen to the sound that comes from inside. If you cannot hear anything it is fresh, otherwise it is old and not good for consuming.
5. Take a big white plate and gently break the egg in the plate and pay attention to its appearance. If the egg yolk firmly sits high and egg whites remain gathered around it, it is a fresh egg. If the yolk is firm but still a little flattened, while the egg white is translucent and not very runny is a little older. However, it can be eaten. If the yolk is soft, completely flattened or immediately runny, and egg white is watery and completely spread over the plate, egg is probably old and rather do not prepare it for the meal.