This healing banana cream is an amazing natural remedy, very effective against cough, and it has been tested in the treatment of persistent cough and bronchitis.
It works for adults, but is particularly effective in children.
It is very nutritious, healthy and tasty, and has beneficial effects on the stomach.
If your child has cough, sore throat or bronchitis, than prepare this miraculous remedy and help your child!
It is very easy and quick for preparation.
Banana Cream Against Cough – Recipe:
- 400 ml of boiling water
- 2 medium riped bananas (the best choice are those with spots)
- 2 tablespoons of sugar or honey, according to your taste (if you add honey – you should add it when the mixture cools off a little, because the honey loses its properties at high temperatures)
Peel the 2 bananas and smash them well with a fork or a spoon (preferably wooden or plastic, so they do not get dark).
Then add the sugar and stir everything together.
In the mixture pour the boiling water, close the pot and let it stay for 30 minutes.
If you want to add honey, add it at the end, when the mixture is cooled.
It is optional, if you want, you can strain the mixture through a plastic sieve.
Every time before consumption heat the mixture a little and consume about 100 ml 4 times a day.
Make a new dose every day – it is easy and simple.
You do not need expensive medications! With this remedy the cough will stop in a few days.
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