Hunza apricot kernel oil is made of apricot seeds and is extremely beneficial! Despite its already known properties such as abundance in vitamin B17 or Amilgadin, in recent years the users reveal more and more benefits of this oil.
The latest research shows that it is effective against constipation. A lot of people have problems with constipation and they don’t know how to solve this unpleasant problem. And we all know that because of this the toxins remain in the intestine for days.
Here is how Hunza oil can help:
First, when you get up in the morning, drink two glasses of lukewarm water!
Then drink a teaspoon of Hunza apricot oil!
After that, drink another glass of lukewarm water
You should go to the bathroom immediately!
You can repeat this procedure in the following few days, but after 3 days, reduce the dose of the Hunza oil to half a teaspoon. The amount of lukewarm water should remain the same!