– Regular consumption of green tea lowers the cholesterol, decreases blood pressure, stabilizes blood sugar and protects against the negative effects of free radicals
These drinks have a great healthy effect on your body:
1. Green tea
Regular consumption of green tea lowers the cholesterol, decreases blood pressure, stabilizes blood sugar and protects against the negative effects of free radicals.
The latest research shows that this drink protects the brain, specifically prevents the destruction of the cells that are responsible for memory and concentration.
Experts believe that the main reason for this is the ingredient catechin, (a very strong antioxidant). You should be aware of that the greatest benefits of tea are obtained if minimally processed leaves of green tea are used, which contain most nutrients.
2. Coconut water
In recent years coconut water has become an absolute hit among people who are trying to live healthy. It is particularly popular after training, because it is an excellent source of natural electrolytes – sodium, potassium and magnesium, but without artificial sugars added that sports energy drinks are abundant with.
Experts suggest reading the label carefully when buying this beverage, because in industrial production numerous additives are added that reduce the health value of the coconut water.
3. Beer
A study published in the scientific journal PLOS One, connects drinking beer with a reduced risk of getting neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Specifically, people who drank one beer a day (and not combined it with any other alcoholic beverage) had 59% less chance of getting the diseases above mentioned compared to people who do not drink this beverage.
The study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, confirmed this research, and discovered that the antioxidant xanthohumol beneficially affects the cardiovascular system.
4. Milk
This dairy product is followed by many contradictory theses – while some argue that it is an excellent source of calcium, which keeps the bones and teeth healthy, others associated it with increased growth of obesity in children.
A new study from the University of Pennsylvania showed that regular drinking of milk increases the levels of glutathione in the brain.
It is a powerful antioxidant that reduces the damage of the cells caused by free radicals. Of course, the greatest benefit is obtained from minimally processed milk from organically grown cattle.