Women are getting stretch marks in any period of their life, from puberty until they get older and unfortunately no one is spared from these white lines on the body. A major factor for the appearance of stretch marks is sudden weight change, weight fluctuation and sudden and rapid growth in puberty. Simply said, no one is safe.
The rapid stretching of the skin while gaining weight is followed by the above-mentioned changes in the skin that occur in the form of cracks in different colors. Their color varies from purple to something lighter shade than the skin itself. The fat accumulation in the abdomen, thighs and buttocks is a major culprit for the occurrence of such tiny cracks in the skin or stretch marks.
Although this problem has tormented women for decades, today there are many natural treatments that you can do at home that will help in removing stretch marks within several months. Perhaps the effect is not immediate, but you must be persistent to remove scars from the skin which are mostly noticeable in the summer, when women are wearing bathing suits or short clothes.
1. Coconut oil
Coconut oil can make miracles for the skin as it is very effective when it comes to elimination of stretch marks. It increases the elasticity of the skin, stimulates its regeneration and protects against inflammation, viruses and bacteria. Massage the skin with this oil where the stretch marks appeared and repeat this procedure three times a week. You will notice a significant difference in a week.
2. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera contains a large amount of herbal collagen which helps in skin regeneration. Most effective is the pure Aloe Vera gel. Apply it on the skin and leave for 2 hours to act, then rinse with water. Make this treatment often because it maintains the natural moisture of your skin.
3. Lemon juice and orange
Lemon juice is one of the most effective ways to remove stretch marks and their visibility as a result of its bleaching properties. Squeeze a lemon or orange and make a massage with circular movements on the area where the visible stretch marks are found. Do not dress immediately, but wait about 15 minutes until the skin soaks the juice, and then wash the skin with lukewarm water. Repeat the procedure every day for better results.
4. Castor oil
When castor oil is used for massage, it reduces the visibility of the stretch marks. Castor oil moisturizes the skin; it restores the elasticity and helps to remove the wrinkles. In some parts of India, massage with castor oil is recommended for pregnant women and mothers in combination with warm bath – so you can try it by yourself.
5. Massage with natural oils
With massage you are helping the skin to get rid of toxins, to regenerates, and is certainly recommended for removing stretch marks. For best results, use almond oil. It is rich in vitamin E, but also helps the skin to create collagen and elastin.