If you have fluid retention or poor circulation that results in swollen feet, you are not alone. This situation has become a common problem in everyday life. Feet can swell due to various reasons, including long standing or sitting, pregnancy, heat, various disorders in the body or some inflammation.
This problem does not disappear by itself, so if you have these symptoms you need to solve the problem.
Make this recipe for a natural gel that will speed up the recovery process and improve the blood circulation.
- 50 ml Aloe Vera gel
- 10 drops of Eucalyptus oil
- 5 drops menthol and camphor oil
- 5 g menthol crystals
- 1 teaspoon of olive oil or glycerol
Mix all the ingredients well. The resulting gel should be frozen and used as needed.
The gel contains a high concentration of enzymes that help in reducing pain in the feet, inflammation and pain in the muscles and also helps in improving circulation.
The recipe is very easy and simple to be prepared. If you use glycerin instead of olive oil, then heat it slightly in order to mix better with the other ingredients.