Tea made from the carrot leaves is excellent for detoxification.
This healthy vegetable in the spring and summer should be used. Except the fruit itself, the carrot leaves are also fully usable because they are rich in vitamins and minerals. According to some medicinal properties, leaves are even more healing from the root itself.
The leaves contain more vitamin C than the root and more vitamin C than any other vegetable. It has a detoxifying effect on the liver and the whole body, and is rich in a number of other minerals that have a positive effect on the whole metabolism as well as in prevention of tumor development. It has antiseptic properties and is effective against bad breath, painful gums and toothache too.
Carrot leaves can be used in salads and omelets. Tea made from carrot leaves is excellent for detoxification.
Because of their curative effect, the leaves are used for preparing carrot juice. Young leaves go very well with apples and other fruits.
Ingredients for preparing a great juice that will help in body detoxification
– Several young carrot leaves
– 2 pieces of fruit (apple, pear …)
– 2 glasses of water