What does it mean?
The polycystic ovaries syndrome is a very common state of women in reproductive age and it is characterized by irregular menstrual cycle, increased hairiness and excessive body weight, but other symptoms can emerge too.
Polycystic ovaries
Polycystic ovaries syndrome is common state of which suffer 5% of women in the world.
The name’ polycystic ovaries’ comes from the appearance of the ovaries among certain woman who have this syndrome – large or normal size ovaries which have many small cysts. The exact reason why polycystic ovaries appear is unidentified, but it is known that this syndrome is one of the reasons for infertility among women.
Approximately 5% of women in the world have this syndrome. Early detection and treatment of the symptoms can reduce the risk of occurrence and prevent other complications as diabetes and heart diseases too.
Among women who have this syndrome, few symptoms and signs out of many appear.
Irregular menstruation. It is the most characteristic sign. Irregular menstruation means menstrual cycle which happens in periods longer than 35 days or if it appears only a few times a year. This symptom can occur even in the puberty, as well as later on after sudden increase of body weight.
Consequences from the increased presence of androgens. The increased level of man hormones, results in visible physical signs as: increased hairiness on the face, chest, belly, back, upper part of the arms and legs, acne, hair loss;
Obesity. It has been estimated that about half of women who have the syndrome of polycystic ovaries, have excessive body weight.
Infertility. Symptom of polycystic ovaries is one of the most often reasons for infertility among women
Skin bumps. Women who l have this syndrome frequently have very small skin bumps (with the same color of the skin) on the neck or under their arms
Other consequences from polycystic ovaries are:
- High blood pressure;
- High levels of cholesterol;
- Cardiovascular problems;
- Depression.
Ovaries produce the female hormones estrogen and progesterone and some androgens that are masculine hormones. When polycystic ovaries syndrome appears in the body, the level of androgens increases, ovulation occurs less frequently than normal or it doesn’t happen at all and menstrual cycle becomes irregular.
Experts can’t say for sure what causes these problems, but studies show that high levels of insulin can accelerate the production of androgens by the ovaries.
Studies show that even this phenomenon in women can be genetic. Polycystic ovary syndrome isn’t contagious.
Early diagnosis and treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome can prevent the developing of further complications such as diabetes and heart disease.
Consult your doctor if you have irregular periods, increased facial hair, excessive weight and acne. You will probably be referred to a specialist for a hormonal disorder – endocrinologist.
There isn’t a test that you can do and who can give you positive or negative response whether or not you have this syndrome. Specialist makes the diagnosis after taking into account all the symptoms and the results of ultrasound and blood tests. Blood tests show the level of hormones and with ultrasound ovarian cysts can be seen.
Treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome should be mainly focused on eliminating those symptoms which are the biggest problem for women – infertility, hairiness , or obesity.
If you are not trying to become pregnant, your doctor may attributed contraceptive pills are a combination of synthetic estrogen and progesterone. They reduce the level of androgens in the body. It is also possible that your doctor can prescribe Metformin, a drug for type 2 diabetes, which reduces the level of insulin in the blood.