We tell you what bullying consists of in order to detect it in time Amanda Todd was 12 years old when she sent an alleged friend some images of her topless through a webcam. With some screenshots of that video, her guy tried to blackmail her sexually. She did not succeed and he, in revenge, […]
Discover what is the relationship between inactivity and death here
We give you all the figures on global deaths due to inactivity “Cardiovascular disease is the first cause of death in the world and hypertension its main risk factorfollowed by smoking, hyperglycemia and sedentary lifestyle. According to data provided by the World Health Organization (WHO), a third of the world’s population suffers from it and […]
Depending on where you were born, you will have some tastes or others
The flavors that each one prefers depend on the place where they were born Until now, the scientific community thought that the foods that children like the most are chips, candies and sugary drinks, precisely the most detrimental to your health.However, a new study, published in the journal Food Quality and Preference, concludes that this […]
In menopause, the consumption of calcium and Vitamin D increases
Find out what foods they are in and why you should consume them If you are going through menopause, you should increase the amount of calcium in your diet by 20 or 30%. At the same time, you must not neglect vitamin D intakesince it is essential for calcium to be fixed in the bones. […]
Today we bring you the recipe for potato and tuna cake, rich and easy
Include in your diet this delicious low-fat tuna and potato pie Today we propose you this potato and tuna cake. The boiled potato contains practically no fat. Therefore, it is very suitable for those people who want to control their weight since, in addition, it is a important source of fiber and contributes to the […]